Humanist weddings are legal in Scotland provided they are conducted by a celebrant registered with the Humanist Society of Scotland. Our ceremonies have legal parity with any other in Scotland, meaning that if we marry couples from other parts of the UK or from abroad they are still married when they return home!
For any type of celebrant to marry you, you have to complete paperwork and I have a guide of how to go about this here.
You should also read the General Registrar for Scotland's guide to getting married in Scotland.
I am always delighted to meet couples before they make a booking to ensure they are happy with their choice of ceremony and celebrant. I do not charge any fee for this meeting and there's no obligation to make a booking afterwards.
If you book me I include a second 'catch up' meeting in my fee but if you decide to have a rehearsal I charge a further £50 + travel to come to your venue for that. I almost always discourage my couples from having rehearsals, as they are an unnecessary expense. However there are a couple of venues I go to where rehearsals are helpful.
All Humanist Society of Scotland celebrants should follow the HSS's fee guidelines which are set out on the Society's website:
From 1/1/12 fees are:
Legal Wedding: £335 (£350 from 1/1/13)
Non-Legal Wedding: £285 (£300 from 1/1/13)
Rehearsal: £50
Travel: 55p per mile