Humanism is a diverse movement that broadly represents the views of millions of people around the world. The HSS represents the views of people in Scotland who wish to lead good and worthwhile lives guided by reason and compassion rather than religion or superstition. Humanists aim to create an open and inclusive society, so we campaign for a secular state and for secular education.
At a local level, our groups provide an opportunity to attend talks, film nights and lectures and discuss moral and ethical issues with other free-thinking people.
The HSS is a registered charity, run by a Board of Trustees who manage and control the charity. Under the constitution they appoint sub committees to work on their behalf. Each of the sub committees is led by a member of the Board of Trustees, all of whom are elected from its membership at the Society's Annual General Meeting each year.
Membership (currently over 6,500) is open to all those who share our life stance and support our aims, while Humanist groups affiliated to us include the UK Armed Forces Humanist Association and the Edinburgh University Humanist Society.
Distinguished Supporters
Iain Banks | Professor Richard Dawkins | Stephen Fry | Professor A C Grayling | Professor James Lovelock | Polly Toynbee | Iain McWhirter | Christopher Brookmyre
To find out moe about the HSS, to become a member or to get involved please visit the website.